Interviewed in April of 2013


Hometown: Plymouth,  MA

Current town: Onset, MA

Website: Click Here

Book Available

1.) Give us a little insight into what types of things made an impression on you growing up on the South Shore of Massachusetts?
I was born in Plymouth (my mother’s hometown). After a brief stint at an Army base, we moved back to Plymouth. My mother’s parents are antique dealers, and their house is like a museum. Visiting them as a child was an education. All the old advertisements and illustrations left a huge impression on me. Norman Rockwell is still one of my favorites to this day.
2.) You’ve worked in a variety of different industry’s after graduating from Montserrat College of Art. From comic book illustrator to graphic design to even newspaper  publishing, what’s been your constant while changing and evolving as an artist??  

My wife has been with me since high school. She’s always been my biggest supporter, as well as my greatest critic.  
She makes me better.

3.) You seem to be constantly drawing whether in sketchbooks or on the computer.  In everyday life what sparks that moment to stop what your doing and pick up a pen & paper?

I am always thinking about things I want to draw. When ideas strike I have to write or doodle something down so I don’t forget them. I have folders full of roughs and ideas.

4.) Workplace or studio; a disaster or super organized?

A disaster. But since my studio is in my bedroom occasionally I have to clean it.

5.) Music while working? Anything your listening to now that is pushing you or inspiring you.

I’m a podcast guy. I listen to a ton of podcast about all ties of different things from sports to comics. 11 O’clock Comics is my favorite! I don’t know if they inspire me, but they help me block out the outside world and focus.

6.) What medium is your sweet spot? Even down to the brand name, color, materials, found or purchased?

My usual way of working is to use whatever is necessary to make the mark. That being said I have been really into the Pentel Pocket Brush, and White-Out Pens. I like to work fast. When you paint you can always go over it. With the White-Out I get the same option when I draw with ink.
7.) Dream client? Go.

Spider-Man for Marvel. I don’t care if it’s a coloring book.
8.) What’s been the most challenging part of building a career as an artist? ie; family, $$$, time, inspiration, networking, etc…

Balancing your family life with your art career is the hardest part. Art by its nature is a solitary pursuit. It’s a selfish at, and in order to have a great family life you have to be open and unselfish. The two don’t always work well together.
9.) You can have one of your pieces displayed in/at anywhere of your choice….where does it go?

In my living room. I currently don’t have any of my work hanging anywhere outside my studio. Partly because of the subject matter I choose to illustrate, but partly do to some other reasons….. It will happen eventually ;)

10.) What’s next for you? Any future project or client?

My first children’s book just came out from Evolved Publishing. It’s called “I’d Rather Be Riding My Bike,” written by Eric Pinder. I have a 10-page story in Low Concept 3 from King Bone Press with writer Barry Hutchison. I have a comic out called “The Guys” that I did with writer Lawrence Rosales for Tryptic Press. I have a couple new comic projects in the works for fall as well. Other than that, I just launched my new website 

11.) Who wins in a fight to the death? Two men enter; only one leaves alive. Obi Wan or Spider-man. Anything goes, all bets are off. 

Spider-Man! Show me one story where Spider-Man has been cut by a sword.

12.) In retrospect,  it would have been smarter to just leave the fire extinguisher where it was?
